10” duct is an extremely popular sizing of flex ductwork used primarily by industrial business and municipalities in all areas of the nation and abroad. It is important to understand, however, how 10” duct (as well as practically every other kind of pipe ducting ) is sized. Being aware of the industry standard involved in measuring flex pipes is crucial because – with this knowledge – you, the consumer, will be better prepared for deciding what type or sizing of heavy duty hose you require for your specific situation.
Diameter and circumference are two measurements of any circle or sphere. It is critical to understanding what these terms means when perusing round duct. Circumference is otherwise known as the size of the enclosing boundary of any curved geometric figure. Diameter is a straight line, directly passing from one side of a body to the other.
“PVC Flexduct General Purpose Clear”
“Thermoplastic Flex Medium-Duty WS”
When it comes to pipe ducting, the industry standard is to measure the “inside diameter” (ID) of the piece of ducting in question. “Inside diameter” being: from the innermost point of one side of the hose directly across to the other, without measuring the thickness of the ducting itself. For instance, a segment of 10” duct would measure 10 inches from the innermost wall of the pipe to the other side, not counting the thickness of the flex duct (which could, for the sake of the example be .175 inches thick). In sum, the true sizing of pipe ducting is derived from the hose thickness subtracted from the “outside diameter,” (OD) leaving you the inside diameter. The OD will include the wall thickness of the hose, while the ID would not!
The purpose of this method sizing is so, if the end user wishes to install their ducting over a pirce of pipe, they would measure the outside diameter of the pipe upon which the inside diameter of the flex duct would be placed. For example, if a consumer desires to cover a length of 10’ duct they know that, since ducting and piping are sized by inside diameter, that they would need to purchase a sizing of pipe greater than 10 inches in diameter.
Now, when it comes to ideal uses, 10” duct is specifically built for the purpose of facilitating heavy-duty applications, one of the most common being street sweeping. Street sweeping is a very important part of any town, city, or municipality. The United States is a nation of automobiles and drivers, which means that it should be no surprise to discover that streets, roads, and highways throughout the nation can become extremely dirty with continued use.
Fortunately, it is now easier than ever for communities to keep their roadways clean and safe. Modern day street sweepers are typically mounted on truck chassis and generally feature segments of heavy duty hose for the purposes of vacuuming up trash and refuse. Most street sweeper operators simply need to maneuver their vehicles up and down the street, letting their flex pipes do all the “heavy lifting.” These pipes are generally mounted towards the rear of the sweepers, and feed into a large collection duct with maximum storage for the large amounts of dust and debris that street sweepers encounter while out on the town.