Hose Types

Flexible Hose – Material Makeup

red hose coiled up with white stripes

Here is a list of materials industrial ducting are made out of. Below gives a brief description of each material and why each is selected for use in flexible hoses . The common thread across all of the below materials is that they are flexible enough to be the material make-up for flexible hoses .

Aluminum Hose – Aluminum is one of the most widely used metals in the world. Combining physical durability in a lighter weight form, aluminum is very popular for use as a flexible hose . Compared to other metal compounds used to make flexible hoses, aluminum is the more cost-efficient option. An aluminum hose is best used for high temperature air movement applications. Aluminum is a good material for resisting the corrosive effects of hot temperatures reaching up to 400° F. Aluminum flex hoses also maintain their shape when flexed, which sets them apart from most plastic ducting.

Fabric Hose – Hoses made from fabric materials are very popular in the market because they are lightweight, mobile, and budget friendly. If you need a flexible hose for air movement, a fabric hose is a smart option. The fabric material used to make flexible hoses is usually coated in plastic or rubber compounds, the most prominent examples being neoprene and PVC. This coating gives the hoses an improved level of physical durability and even protection against harsh chemicals and elevated temperatures. Since fabric is so lightweight, it is easier to compress fabric hoses down to smaller sizes, meaning that fabric hoses are easy to transport.

“Urethane Flex General Purpose Black”

Temperature Range: - 65°F to +225°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, & 12

“Aluminum Flex 400”

Some Sizes Out of Stock Temperature Range: -100°F to +400°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 12

“SS-Flex 800”

Lead Time 4-6 Weeks Temperature Range: up to 800°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,& 12

“Neoprene Flex – 1 ply”

Lead Time 4-6 Weeks Temperature Range: -65°F to +250°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 12

“PVC Flexduct General Purpose Blue”

Lead Time 4-6 Weeks Some Sizes Out of Stock Temperature Range: +20°F to +160°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & 12

“Silico-550 Single Ply”

Lead Time 4-6 Weeks Temperature Range: -65°F to +500°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 8, 10, & 12

“HVAC Insulated-Flex”

Temperature Range: -20°F to +160°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 4, 6, 8, 10, & 12

“Air Ventilator Orange”

Some Sizes Out of Stock Temperature Range: -20°F to +180°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, & 24

Fiberglass Hose – A flexible hose made from fiberglass is the ideal solution for high temperature air and fume applications. Fiberglass is composed of a plastic base that is woven through with a glass fiber. When used as the material for flexible hoses, the fiberglass body is often coated with an elastomeric compound such as silicone or neoprene. People should get a fiberglass hose when they need a flexible hose for transferring harsh fumes at high temperatures. A fiberglass hose is not the type of ducting that can tolerate continuous flexing. It can be bent in some directions, but not on a constant basis.

Insulated Hose – Insulated hoses are very popular for use in commercial ventilation systems that require more durability, temperature control, and noise reduction. Insulated flexible hoses are typically made with a double-ply body that features a layer of insulation in between the two plies of the hose wall. The insulation material is normally made of fiberglass. Insulation is very useful for a flexible hose because the insulated portion prevents air/fumes from leaking out of the hose, a very feature when it comes to maintaining proper airflow efficiency. Insulated hoses are well suited for keeping the hot or cold air flowing through them at a consistent temperature.

silico 550 single ply

Plastic Hose – “Plastic” is a broad term that encompasses hoses made from different types of plastic materials. The types of plastic normally used to make flexible hoses are PVC, polyurethane, Nomex, Hypalon, and thermoplastic. Plastic ducting can be used for a variety of different applications. With a tough but flexible build, plastic is good for use in a flexible hose for air, abrasives, and material transfer applications. There are many different styles of plastic hose. One can find a plastic hose that is very lightweight and highly flexible. At the same time there are more heavy duty plastic hoses that are better suited for physical durability rather than flexing or compressibility. Keep in mind that some plastic compounds, such as thermoplastic, are better suited to operating in elevated temperatures.

PVC Hose – PVC is one of the more widely used types of plastic in the flexible hose industry. It is a durable and cost-effective material. You can use a PVC flexible hose for ambient air transfer, wood dust collection, fume extraction, and other similar applications. When PVC is used to construct the physical body of the hose, the end user benefits from having a physically sturdy hose. At higher wall thicknesses, PVC hoses can endure more abrasions. One of the key attributes that makes PVC such a popular material for hose construction is the fact that it is chemically stable. It can resist the damaging effects of hazardous oil or chemical materials and their fumes, making it ideal for most commercial level fume applications.

Rubber Hose – Rubber hoses are highly prized for their durability in air and materials transfer applications. It is important to know that there are different types of rubber used in the construction of flexible hoses. They are made from rubber compounds such as neoprene or thermoplastic rubber. They tend to favor a solid physical frame over flexibility. Although they can be flexed in certain directions, they are not intended for continued flexing. A thermoplastic rubber flexible hose is recommended for commercial and industrial level fume and materials transfer purposes.

Silicone Hose – When you need a flexible hose for air and fume transfer involving very extreme temperatures, a hose made from silicone is the ideal candidate for the job. Silicone is known to be very resistant to high temperatures and possess a good resistance to chemicals. Silicone hoses often has fiberglass woven into their bodies for added temperature resistance. Most hoses in this class can operate in temperatures ranging to 550° F, although certain hoses can go beyond that.

Stainless Steel Hose – A flexible hose made from stainless steel is one of the most physically durable ducting options available to consumers. The end users looking for a stainless steel hose are not concerned about flexibility, because hoses in this class are rigid and not designed for flexible. The primary feature of a stainless steel hose is its durability and resistance to extreme temperature variations. For applications involving very extreme temperature ranges, some varieties of stainless steel hoses can endure up to 1650° F at maximum and -400° F at a minimum. Since stainless steel has chromium present in its makeup, it is very resistant to corrosion from elemental factors.

silico 550 single ply

Teflon Hose – It is hard to beat the excellent chemical resistance of Teflon. This material is known for being resistant to a very large range of chemical compounds, from simple welding fume to caustic acids. When Teflon is used in a flexible hose, it is primarily used in the form of a coating. The Teflon coats a base made of fabric, effectively sealing the material with a chemically resistant outer lining. These types of flexible hoses are commonly used for fume exhaust and pollution control in large-scale industrial settings such as chemical plants and pharmaceutical labs.