
Grain Collection

air ventilator orange

Grain collection is a vital part of the farming and agricultural process. In the past, this activity was undergone by hand, via the use of shovels, rakes, scythes, and other handheld equipment. Thanks to our modernized world, however, (and the advent of the mechanical grain collector), the grain collection process is now easier and more efficient than it has ever been. When utilized by a skilled operator, these machines collect and process as much grain as possible via a series of collection duct and generate very little waste compared to other methods of reaping. What’s more, because of the labor-saving properties of the mechanical grain collector, farmers and other agricultural workers across the nation are able to spend more time on other tasks – as well as preserve their physical health.

Typically known as “combine harvesters,” these machines are the primary implements farmers use for cutting down fields of wheat and other grains prior to collection. Grain collector machines can either be separate from combine harvesters, or can be incorporated into them for a truly all-in-one, heavy duty device.

“Thermoplastic Flex Medium-Duty WS”

Temperature Range: -40°F to 275°F. Sizes I.D. (in.): 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, & 24

“PE Flex Vaculoop”

Temperature Range: -40°F to +140°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 1, 1.25, 1.5, & 2

“Urethane Flex General Purpose Black”

Temperature Range: - 65°F to +225°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, & 12

“Air Ventilator Orange”

Some Sizes Out of Stock Temperature Range: -20°F to +180°F Sizes I.D. (in.): 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, & 24

This is a simply massive industry, and one that requires safe and reliable manners of grain collection in order to be effective. Furthermore, accounting for the fact that the United States generates “only” 46% of the world’s grain (again, per the Worldwatch Institute), it is easy to see why the mechanical grain collector is a highly prized component of any farm or agricultural commune. There are few applications that need effective collection duct work more than the field of grain collection. When you consider the fact that, according to Worldwatch Institute, the production of grain: “stands at roughly 1,230 kilograms (2,712 pounds) per year in the United States”.

air ventilator orange

Just as your everyday farmer relies on the grain collector to be successful, the grain collector itself relies on round ductwork in order to transport and store material. Oftentimes using a combination of mechanical force and momentum to “suck” and “scoop” up cut grain and feed, grain collector ducts retain and channel grains, wheats, and feeds into mobile storage compartments – which, in turn, can then transfer the contents to permanent grain silos and elevators for long-term storage and safekeeping.

To keep duct work cost low, farmers trust that their collection duct of choice will hold up in all environments and under all expected circumstances. In addition to the intended grains and other products, grain collectors can pick and absorb multitudes of dirt, rock, and refuse. These materials all count as abrasives, that is to say, they all are more than capable of damaging the interior of the round ductwork. To help abate this problem, most types of collection duct in this field are made from abrasion resistant materials, a kind of ducting that is seriously capable of withstanding cuts, scrapes, rips, and tears (not to mention its resistance to extreme temperatures both high and low).

Check with your local duct supply representative regarding the best type of collection duct for your grain collector. However, you should still endeavor to learn all you can about your specific situation before heading into any shop. By being as informed as you can be regarding the needs of your grain collector, you will be doing your part in keeping your expected duct work cost low.

air ventilator in orange

Though it is just one component of the many that go into making a grain collector work, ducting is just as important as any other part of the “equation.” The grain collection process relies on many different things coming together and working in tandem. For that reason, it is crucial to focus intently on the ducting aspect. In practicing this steadfast attention, you are setting yourself up for success in all your grain collection endeavors!